Monday, January 16, 2012

Cutting Back

If you are a regular reader (do I even have any of those) you may have noticed I've cut out my Theological Thoughts and Book Remarks pages. I just don't write on them enough, and when I do I was often taking away from things that I could write about as a regular post. So I cut them. Now hopefully I will have more ideas to write about on a regular basis...yeah sure, we'll see how that works out. Although I do have a "book remarks" like thing to write about. I'm putting together a 2012 book list to hopefully help me keep on track with my resolution. So far I have The Brothers Karamazov, Tinker Tailor Solider Spy, Wild at Heart, and some general ideas of types of books I'd like to read. Clearly, I'm off to a good start.

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Again

Does a New Year's resolution count if it's a repeat from the previous year? Or if it's one that wasn't successful, does that not matter? Most of my resolutions are copycats from 2011, but since I wasn't fully successful with one of them (and completely unsuccessful with another) I don't really care.

My resolutions aren't as numerous or challenging (in some ways) as last year, but I don't care. I made them based on what I need to improve on in 2012. So, I'm going to exercise at least 3 times I week. I completely failed with exercising last year. In fact, I think I exercised the least amount I've ever exercised in my whole entire life. Unless you count chasing after my daughter as exercise. In which case, I didn't do so bad. My second resolution is an exact replica from last year: read one new fiction and one non-fiction book each month. I was almost successful with this but failed around November. Ah well, another year, another chance. And this year I'm going to get through The Brothers Karamazov. And maybe City of God, if only I can find a good copy.

Finally, I have another spiritual resolution too but that is simply to pray for a certain amount of time each day. I did really well with reading the Bible and Catechism but I think I need to set aside a certain, more specific amount of time each day to pray. I'm not disclosing how much because I don't want anyone to judge me by the amount of time I'm praying.

Well, there they are. My 3 resolutions to being a better me in 2012.