Monday, April 11, 2011

I Heart Endorphins

I used to be a pretty serious runner. So much so that I even managed to run the Twin Cities Marathon in 2009. Once I got pregnant and had Charlotte, running took a back burner for a long, long time. I still exercised by taking walks while pregnant and in the months after Charlotte was born before it got too cold, but I really let things slide when it came to running. Now that spring is back and with it some gorgeous weather, and Charlotte is finally big enough to use the jogging stroller, I've been getting back out there. Boy, has it been tough. I love it though. I've only gone 3 times in the past week, and only a couple of miles a time, but I'm really pleased that I've been able to do any running at all. I love running so much. It's been a part of my life for so long now. I've never really been great, but I do it because there is nothing else like it, and I never feel stressed or anxious about life once I get going. When I hit the road running my mind is free. Sometimes I think deep thoughts, sometimes I pray, sometimes I just think about my day and my schedule, but it's never stressful thinking. And sometimes I'm so tired and out of breath that the only thing I can think about it how hard it is to keep going. I love that feeling too. My mind just empties of everything else except running and getting one foot in front of the other over and over again. It feels great to finish those runs, knowing it was a challenge that I faced head on and won. Although 2 miles didn't used to be such a challenge. That's what happens with so much time off and pushing a jogging stroller. Hopefully soon I'll be in a little bit better of shape and able to go a little further. And hopefully Charlotte will keep enjoying the ride and not get too bored. I'm a little worried to go more than 3-4 miles at a time anyway because I don't know how enjoyable that is for her. I have a ways to go before I get to that point though, fortunately and unfortunately. For now I'm just going to enjoy the chance to get out there and run a couple of times a week.


  1. Do you find it much harder to run while pushing a jogging stroller? I tried it with Leo once and thought that it was much more difficult.

  2. Sometimes I'm so tired and out of breath that the only thing I can think about it how hard it is to keep going.

    That's how running is for me 100% of the time.

  3. I do think it's harder to run with the jogging stroller. It adds more weight, and you can't use your arms, so I definitely think I have to work harder when I use it!
