Sunday, July 17, 2011

Hot Tub Time Machine

Over the past couple of days I watched the move "Hot Tub Time Machine" (almost every movie takes multiple days to get through now that I have a child). From the previews, and the title, I thought it would be a ridiculous but funny/entertaining movie. What it was, was crude, crass, and disgusting. It was basically your basic time travel to the past movie, but since that's been done so many times, apparently the makers of this movie decided to distinguish this one not just by making the time machine a hot tub, but by making this the crudest, most disgusting, foul-language filled movie they could. I'm not entirely sure they could have fit in more curse words. And the plot was just ridiculous. It was a bunch of 40 year old losers and the loser nephew of one of the characters (who was 20). None of the characters had any redeeming qualities, and there wasn't any depth to the characters. Which, ok, isn't that big of a deal considering this is your run of the mill comedy, but still, instead of coming up with a humorous plot line or even funny one-liners, they filled it with bad sex jokes/innuendos/activities that instead of being funny were just gross and obnoxious. And seriously, make the characters less likeable why don't you. It's really too bad, because I normally like John Cusack, but is this really the kind of movie he needs to make now? That's just sad.

This was such a bad movie. I can't believe this is what movie writers/creators need to come up with nowadays to sell movies. Honestly, with how much movies cost to make and see, you'd think there would be better stuff showing. But nope, this is the crap that makes it. This, and movies based on books and video games (or sometimes real life stories, or more likely based on books that are based on real life stories). I don't remember the last original movie I saw that wasn't made before 2000 (that wasn't same lame-o comedy). I was looking forward to the 3rd Transformers movie, but not so much after hearing some reviews/getting a better idea of the plot of it. That, and the fact that they had to get a new female lead is pretty lame. Still, I have to belive it's better than Hot Tub Time Machine.

1 comment:

  1. Agree. It was terrible. I'm not sure I even made it through.
