Sunday, December 18, 2011

My Pages

I'm thinking about deleting a couple of my pages. Mostly Book Remarks and Theological Thoughts. Eric says to keep the Theological Thoughts one, but says maybe get rid of the other one. The book remarks one actually has some comments which mean people have read it and liked it (or hated it) enough to comment at one point. I feel like I hardly ever update them and therefore they might not be worth it to keep. Anybody have an opinion? Does anybody actually read those parts of my blog, and if so, do you like them? Should I keep up with them? I'm definitely keeping up with Parenting Shenanigans because I always have stuff to say about that. Usually I just forget to write and by the time I find time to update it I've already forgotten a million things that I wanted to write. The other two pages though, I'm unsure about. Post a comment with your opinion, if you have one.


  1. I regularly read your blog, but not the book remarks part. Everything else, though!

  2. I think the theological thoughts should just be blog entries, since sometimes they'd be worth responding to.
