Friday, November 4, 2011


I just finished watching Gaslight today for what has probably been the third or fourth time. The first time I saw it was in a philosophy of film class (one of the best classes I've ever had). Eric and I Netflixed it a couple of times so he could watch it too and so I could watch it again. I love it. It's such a great movie (note: I'm talking about the 1944 version with Ingrid Bergman), so creepy and dramatic. Not creepy in a scary movie kind of way, but creepy in a "my husband is systematically convincing me I'm crazy" kind of way. That's the basic plot--her husband is a bad guy trying to convince her that she is out of her mind and in doing so basically drives her out of her mind. It's really good. The actors are good (Ingrid Bergman won her first Oscar for her role), the plot is good, everything about it is good. Especially if you like old movies, which I do.

The only black and white movie I think I'd ever seen before this film class was "It's a Wonderful Life". That class really opened me up to some classic movies and widened my love of movies to include old movies. The more movies I see coming out these days, the more I am starting to cling to these older ones. Sad, I know, but like I wrote in a previous post, most movies coming out these days are seriously lacking in many ways. Eric and I keep postponing our movie date because there just isn't anything good out, and by the time we find a day that will work the one movie that we actually want to see is pretty much out of the theaters. Go figure.

1 comment:

  1. There will be some good ones coming out this fall, including The Muppets and Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy.
