Thursday, March 24, 2011

Update to the Top 10 Travel Destinations

Here is a more specific list of my top 10 travel destinations, including cities or sites I'd like to see.

Germany: basically anywhere, but especially Neuschwanstein Castle. I would at least try some beer, even though I'm not a big beer drinker, and try out my rusty German as much as possible.
Ireland: Dublin, anywhere really green and scenic.
Tropical island: don't have a huge preference, not Hawaii
France: Paris, the Louvre
Greece: seriously, this one is hard to narrow down. Everywhere! Anywhere/everywhere that Paul traveled, and basically any historic site there is, and also, the coast. I would love to spend time on the coast.
China: the Great Wall, obviously. I know, super touristy, but that's what I want to see there
Japan: hmm, I'm not too sure. I more just want to experience the whole culture and history
Egypt: Cairo, the Sphinx, the Pyramids, also, Alexandria
England: London and everything in it; I would love to stare down a palace guard
Australia: Sydney. Or, if I can change my destination, I would actually make it New Zealand and walk the route to Mordor and visit all the Lord of the Rings sites from the movies. Oh yeah.

There are just too many places I want to go and things I want to see and do to even list them all. I have the traveling bug big time! I only hope I am lucky enough to be able to go to some of these places.


  1. One of the highlights for me in Greece was standing in the place where Paul said "The God in whom we live and move and have our being." (Acts 17:28). I was really into metaphysics at the time...

    Good list!

  2. So weird, but I just read that today for part of my Bible reading!
