Thursday, June 30, 2011

Enough about those dang birds

I'm worse than my sister and her dog when it comes to these stupid birds. I have more news on them but I am so sick of them that I just need to write about something else. I can't believe how many words I've wasted on them. It's been a bad animal day for me though--I may have killed 2 of the birds, I couldn't manage to kill this nasty spider in the apartment (so it's still in here somewhere, lurking under a radiator or something, ew) and we have a wasp trying to build a nest on our balcony. Mother nature is not my friend today.

My new job is going well, I'm incredibly busy but so far I really like it. (I'm a youth minister for those who don't know.) The people I work with are all really nice, and I've talked to some youth on the phone and planned some events for the summer, and now it's just a matter of making sure I have everything set up for those, mostly getting enough leaders and of course, having kids show up! There is at least a small group of youth at the church who are very excited to have a youth minister (they have been without one for a full year) and to get involved in youth group again, so I'm sure I'll at least have some people show up.

I'm really looking forward to 4th of July weekend. It's a 3-day weekend, and we get to go to the pool, and the weather is actually supposed to cooperate, which is somewhat amazing considering how bad the weather was in June. Not enough nice days yet this summer. But, this weekend is supposed to be great, and my family always goes to the pool on the 4th and we're really looking forward to it! It will be nice to actually enjoy the summer this weekend.

Speaking of enjoying summer, next weekend is the grand opening of the new Dairy Queen by our apartment, and they are going to have 1/2 price cakes (and other deals yet to be discovered). How awesome is that? Needless to say, Eric and I will be patronizing that establishment next weekend. Possibly more than once.

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