Friday, June 3, 2011

Rockin' Robin (Tweet Tweet Tweet)

I may have mentioned my balcony garden on here before, and now I have a fun little story to share about it. We have 2 hanging plants, one a topsy turvy tomato plant, and the other a hanging strawberry plant. Normally I just bring out our step stool and water the hanging plants that way without having to take them down, even though it is still too short for me to see into the tops of the plants. I also turn the tomato plant while it is hanging, but once a week I have to take down the strawberry plant and turn it around (so it gets better all-around sun exposure) and today is the day I planned to do it. I take out my watering can to go do my gardening, and water my tomato plant, grab the strawberry plant and put it down on the ground. As I look down into it to start my watering I see a neat little bird's nest with one oval shaped white egg in it. Well, that certainly explains why some birds keep hanging around our balcony! I thought they were getting into my plants and I was seriously worried they were eating everything and I wouldn't be able to actually harvest any of the fruits. Turns out, they just wanted a place to hatch their young. Of all the balcony gardens in all our apartment complex, they had to fly into mine.

I have no idea what to do about it. Do I leave it alone? Do I take it out? I don't really want birds to keep flying around our balcony, and I still want our plants to be able grow, but this is a baby bird we're talking about (or rather, the potential of a baby bird, who knows what all my watering has been doing to the nest/egg?). I don't want to ruin the nest or break the egg or anything like that. Plus, I really am a little worried that my fairly frequent watering has been damaging to it somehow, although the nest looks in good shape. I'm not entirely sure what kind of bird it even is. There is only one egg, it is oval and white, and I never really take that good of a look at the birds. I'm not as much of a bird person as I used to be, and even at my best I could only recognize maybe 10 birds, most of which are pretty obvious (finch, eagle, etc.)

You know what, it would not surprise me if it's my bird stalker's nest and egg. Now that it doesn't wake me up as often (Charlotte takes care of that) it needed to find a new way to irritate me. Sneaky little thing.

I'm going to try to take a picture of the birds, and the nest and egg, so hopefully someone will recognize it or I can look up what kind it is and know how to deal with it. Hopefully we'll be able to figure out something to do with it soon, but any suggestions on how to take care of it would be extremely helpful!

1 comment:

  1. Just leave it there. It'll probably hatch soon if it's going to, and then you'll have a baby bird for a few weeks, and then they'll fly away.
