Sunday, June 5, 2011

Forget Me Not

I thought of a good post idea last night while in bed, and I really thought I'd remember it (I even wrote out most of it in my head) but of course, like many late night good ideas, when I woke up this morning I couldn't remember it. Maybe it will come to me later today. I used to keep a notebook by my bed in college and write down ideas for papers or sentences that I thought would sound particularly good in a paper, because I often did a lot of good thinking laying in bed at night trying to fall asleep, and more often than not I would forget it before I woke up. Maybe I should start keeping a notebook by my bed again. For these incredibly important blog posts.


  1. I used to do the same thing and actually just yesterday I was thinking I need to do it again. Too many things I remember while in bed and then forget them by the morning.

  2. that's just part of being a mom; the mind is the first thing to go (well, maybe the second; the waistline is never the same again either!).

  3. When I have an idea I usually either write it down or tell Laura about it, which makes her remember it (and then I don't forget it either).
