Sunday, September 25, 2011

My Kid Was a Chunker

Congratulations to my brother and sister-in-law on the birth of their new baby. She is really cute and so tiny! I can't believe how small she is. Charlotte was never that small. I'm not just saying that because Charlotte is over a year old now--she actually was never that small (unless you count at some point while she was still inside of me). When Charlotte was born she was a fairly large baby, all things considered. 8 pounds, 7 ounces, the second largest child to be born amongst my siblings, and only 4 ounces smaller than the largest one. That's right, my child was the second biggest baby born out of 8. It seems weird, until you consider that she was 2 weeks late, and babies can add up to a pound a week in the last couple weeks of life. If only she had been on time, I would have had my tiny baby. I really always figured she was going to be super small and tiny, and I was really looking forward to it. I know 8 pounds 7 ounces isn't that big (although it's starting to be consider big since so many women are induced right around their due date and end up having smaller babies because of that a lot of the time) but it was much bigger than I was expecting. She was still small, after all, she was a baby, but sometimes I wish she had been a little smaller. Oh well. She's tiny now. She's only in the 5th percentile for weight. It just goes to show you, it doesn't always matter how big or small they are at birth, a year later they will be completely different.

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