Friday, May 13, 2011

Go figure

I haven't written a new post in so long, so of course when I actually have the time and inclination to do so (last night), Blogger decides it is going to shut down. Then when I miraculously find time earlier today to write, it's still down. Now, most of my ideas have been pushed out of my brain by other, more important things. Or at least more timely things. Oh well, it happens. And since I have a small amount of time now, I can finally write what I wanted to, what I remember anyway.

My original post was just going to be about these spiders that were in my bathtub this week. On Tuesday morning I get in the shower, turn on the faucet, and before I can start the spray I see movement, and there is one of the biggest daddy-long-legs I've ever seen in my entire life crawling along the edge of the curtain. I'm not kidding, I think the legs were as long as my hand. It was awful. And pretty much ruined my whole shower. On Wednesday when I get in to take a shower I have almost forgotten it but I'm not that forgetful so I look around the tub and don't see anything. I've got my hair all lathered up with shampoo and turn my head to start rinsing it out when all of a sudden I see another, slightly smaller spider crawling on the wall. I think it was the wife of the giant one. To confirm that fact, in case you are thinking it is simply coincidental, when I went to give Charlotte her bath I grabbed her tub and there on the bottom of it was an even smaller spider. That's right, it was their baby spider. 3 spiders in 2 days. At least they got progressively smaller, not progressively bigger. It really seemed like a spider family was living in my bathroom this week. Well, not anymore.

1 comment:

  1. at least it's only 3. Pretty sure I've killed about 3 dozen - probably more - in the past couple weeks at our house. And I wish they were just daddy long legs. They are just as big, but have bigger bodies and thicker legs and gross me out. Lots of smaller ones too...
